Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rune Spirit Warrior The Beginning

Rune Spirit Warrior

The Beginning

As a beginning Rune-Spirit-Warrior there are several areas of study you must become thoroughly familiar with.

The Runes and their energy meanings, since they are keys to the creative energies of the Universe. Runes are not words; they are energies and you will learn how to use them that way.

Secondly, how the new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics is used in regards to Runes, Norse Mythology, Norse gods/goddesses and the Northern European Ancestral Soul.

The Laws of Quantum Physics are the keys to the tools that will allow you to attract the living energies of the Runes, the gods and the Ancestral Soul out of the Quantum Ocean (Mimir's Well) and into your Aura.

We are not bodies that contain a soul as Christians tell us, but a soul that has a body within it.

The Aura is the connecting link between the unmanifested energies of the Quantum Ocean and your physical reality all around you.

Therefore, what ever energies you carry or attract into your Aura will create your physical reality around you.

When you attract the energies of the Runes into your Aura, the energies of the Runes will become part of your Reality.

Love, Strength, Wisdom, Courage, Prosperity, Intuition, Power, Protection etc. will become part of your Reality.

You will no longer need to go into the woods (unless you want to with your sword, ax, helmet and mead) and practice outdated blots and symbols. You can do it from the comfort of your favorite chair.

The Blot Rituals in most of the books were written for Vikings living many years ago. They belong to the “Age of Pisces.” And the physical reality of man.

You will learn how to design an create new rituals write new books that belong to the “Age of Mind,” to the Age of Aquarius.

That is where the battle for the survival of the Runes and our Ancestral Soul is taking place. That is where you must learn to fight on the mental plane of existence. Our Gods/Goddesses and our Runes exist in the Quantum Ocean, (Mimir's Well) they have always existed there on a mental level.

You will learn how to use your mind to power them and yourself and bring them out into the physical reality of the twenty first Century.

You will learn how to breathe the power of the Runes into every cell of your body.

You will learn how to create your own inner and outer Rune Realms.

You will learn how to project the Thorn Rune of Protection around yourself, your children, your family and your home and sacred grounds.

You will learn how to make Runic Bind Runes. Practice Rune Yoga, Rune mantras and Rune Songs.

You will learn how to communicate and build a rapport with any God or Goddess of your choice.

The beginning phase of becoming a Rune-Spirit Warrior will take about 1 year.

But remember that the trip of 1000 miles starts with the first step.

Begin Now. Email me and I will send you a list of tools and books you will need the first year.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:


Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Friday, October 2, 2009

How To Become A Rune Spirit Warrior

How to Become a


I get many requests asking me about how to become a Rune Spirit Warrior.

Before I explain how, I must say that it takes a special type of person to become a Rune Spirit Warrior. It takes one who can think outside the box of the average person.

Thinking, “outside of the box,” is a term being used by those who understand that man kind has entered a New Age and we have a new set of laws and rules to guide our lives.

The New Age is called the Age of Aquarius and the new paradigm is called the Laws of Quantum Physics. We, as a race of people living on the planet Earth, are now living in an entirely new place in the Galaxy. Our whole Solar System has rotated thirty degrees around our Galactic Sun. We call this thirty degree movement “Ages” and they Last for about 2000 years. The ancients called it the Precession of the Equinox.

The last great Age, was called the Age of Pisces and Christianity has ruled for the past 2000 years. It was a time for religious rule.

Now and the next 2000 year, the mind of man will do the ruling. It is the Age of the Mind, not the Emotions.

Our Runes and Northern Pantheon of Gods/Goddesses exists. They have always existed. But now we must bring them into the Age of Aquarius. We can do this as a Rune Spirit Warrior and by using our minds instead of our physical muscles.

We must update our rituals, our rune works and our thoughts. We can now learn how to do this while sitting comfortably and alone in our favorite easy chair.

We do not have to go to the to the woods any more (unless we want to) and practice blots and rituals. We do not need Asatru Godie's to tell us what to do. The age of having to use intermediaries between ourselves and our god force is past. This is the Age of “I Know.”

This new age has placed in our hands the power to create our own Rune Reality and the power to bring our Gods/Goddesses forth into the 21st Century.

We can do this all from the mental plane of existence. Not only has our Solar System and planet moved into a new plane of existence around our Galactic Sun, but the fight for the survival of our European Ancestral Soul has moved to the mental plane of existence.

No longer can we battle with those who would destroy our culture, our ancestors and a our Northern Heritage, with swords and axes, we must do it with our minds.

They are using their minds through the controlling device of TV, Cell Towers, public school systems and the media, to destroy the minds of our children and grand children by eliminating all traces of their culture and replacing it with other cultures.

Now we have a mental weapon to use. Not to destroy or eliminate other cultures but to fight to keep ours from becoming extinct and distinct.

This weapon is the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that there exists an infinite Ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. Our mythology calls it Mimir's Well.

In this ocean everything that ever was, is or will be exists. There is no time there, only the Now. There is no space there, only the Here.

The Runes, our Gods/Goddesses, our culture, our Ancestral Soul all exist there. We as individual souls within the Norther Ancestral Soul live there.

Every 2000 years or so we must update and redefine our connections to the Runes and our Ancestral Soul.

The only constant in the whole Universe is Change. We must change from swords, axes and 2000 year old dogma to the new mind level existence.

We must update the language of the Eddas and our rituals into today's language. We must make it simple and understandable for everyone.

The Age of Secrets and mysteries is past. The Age of the Mind is here.

Odin did not discover the Runes. He re-discovered them. When he hung from the tree for nine icy nights and and days the entrance to Mimir's Well (Quantum Ocean) opened up to him and he reached in and grabbed the Runes.

But the Runes always existed there. They are keys to the Universal Energies of Creation. They are powerful tools that change your life in big ways.

Now is the time for you and I to once again reach into Mimir's Well and rediscover the Runes and our Ancestral Soul and bring forth shining with new light and understanding of this New Age.

If you would like to lean more about becoming a Rune Spirit Warrior, email.

If you would like to read more about applying the Laws of Quantum Physics to the Runes and our Norse Mythology please go to my website:

There are over 100 free articles you can down load.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:


Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rune Consciousness Power

Rune Consciousness Power

What is Rune Consciousness power? Let us first start by defining each of the terms.

Runes are keys to the universal creative energies. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in an infinite ocean of thinking intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. This tells us that everything is energy.

I always like to include the Creator God in my writings. To me the Quantum Ocean is the Mind of the Creator God.

The runes, as individual pockets of Quanta or energy exist in the Quantum Ocean. Each rune represents a different modulated energy of the totality of all the runic energy.

FA represents the energy of wealth. UR the energy of health and THORN is the energy of protection.

We can contact these Runic Energies in the Quantum Ocean and attract them into our life through our aura. What ever energies we carry in our Auric field attract their physical counter part into our lives.

Attract FA energy and you will attract the physical representative of the word Money!

Attract UR energies and you will attract healing energies into your Aura.

Attract ThORN energies and you will attract protective energies around yourself.

How does this work? Let us take an example and use the FA Rune. By meditating on the FA Rune you will attract the wealth energy out of the Quantum Ocean into your Aura.

Now a pot of Gold will not magically appear on your doorstep. It doesn't work that way. The FA energy in your Aura will increase the probability and possibility of wealth coming to you.

It will show up in your life through people, places and events that make up your life. The more people who feel your FA energy emanating from your Aura the quicker and greater will be the wealth you attract.

Now what is Consciousness? Consciousness is the field of activity that a person is aware of. It is actually how far from your physical body your Aura exists. Most people have an Aura that is tight fitting, like a pair of panty hose.

The more you meditate on the Rune FA the wider your Aura becomes. Meditation is one of the best ways to increase your Aura. By constant and daily practice of Rune FA meditations your Aura will grow.

Soon it will be 3 feet from your body. Soon 10 feet. There is no limit to how far from your body your Aura can project.

If your Aura could be expanded to include your neighborhood that would mean that people and places in your neighborhood would respond to your Rune FA wealth energies.

Just think how continuous meditation the Rune FA would expand the influence area of your Aura to eventually include your whole “State.”

You would have a much larger playing field where people, places and events would help you create your wealth.

How about expanding it to include the whole planet?

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:


Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Rune Power DNA


The Norse Gods dwell within us. According to Bob Blumentti, founder of the Church of Balder Rising, the strands of DNA resemble a series of Dagaz runes aligned side by side. They also resemble a variation of the Ingaz rune.

The Ingaz rune represents the Norse God Frey, the God of Fertility. Dagaz rune represents enlightenment.

This new age that we are in with its new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics is allowing those of us who can think out of the box to discover more wisdom about our runes and gods/goddesses than ever before.

Our DNA within the nucleus of our cells behave like a superconductor and brings the VRIL life force of the Gods into our bodies.

This DNA is where the Gods dwell and it is the connecting link between all Northern European peoples. It is the connection to our Ancestral Soul.

Odin spoke three runes into Balder's ear as he laid dead on his funeral pyre. They were Dagaz, Nauthiz and Ansuz. These are the resurrection formula runes. Dagaz is enlightenment. Nauthiz is the need to restore the connection between the Gods and their children (us). And, Ansuz the ability to communicate with the Gods.

These runes are the secret that allows us to achieve a state of higher evolutionary consciousness. It is stored in our DNA. Blood and race are important for the passing of wisdom and knowledge of the Ancestral Soul.

If we examine the structure of DNA, we see that only about 10% is embedded within the genetic structure of our bodies. The other 90% and its function and purpose puzzles our scientists. They call it junk DNA. When we look at the 90% from a quantum physics paradigm we can see this is a realm where the Gods Dwell.

Russian scientist, who think out of the box (Russia was discovered and ruled by the Vikings) have discovered DNA molecules respond to light. Light has healing properties and has a positive effect on the body.

They claim that human language has its origins in the codes or our DNA. This empowers us with the ability to communicate with the Gods and with each other.

Take the three runes representing DNA. Dagaz, Nauthiz and Ansuz. Dagaz represents light and the God Heimdal. Heimdal is known as the White God. He is the guardian of Bifrost, the rainbow bridge.

Nauthiz is the rune of Need-fire. Ansuz the rune of communication, which is sound and the transmission of thought and consciousness.

Dagaz, the light of consciousness is transmitted through communication of Ansuz and between them is the NEED to do so, Nauthiz. Within our DNA is the need and means to communicate with the Gods.

Remember everything vibrates. Our DNA resonates with both light and sound. Therefore it is possible to actually change our DNA through the vibrational qualities of the runes.

Start now to practice rune chanting and raise your consciousness to the level of the Gods.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:

Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009



You must understand what Rune Power is:

Runes are universal creative energies. Each rune is a key to a creative energy energy. Example: Rune FA = wealth, Rune Ur = Health, Rune Thorn = protection, etc.

The new Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean where everything that ever was, is or will be exists.

The Runes and the gods/goddesses of the North exist there and have alwaus existed tehre.

We can contact and transfer the energies of the Quantum ocean with our thoughts, symbols and rituals. We can have Odin present in our meetings for Wisdom. Let Thor and his mighty hammer walk along side you and your family when out shopping or at work. Keeo muggers and evil doers away.

The purpose of the 21st century, Age of Aquarius Rune Shaman, Rune Wizard and Rune Sorcerer is to go to the Quantum Ocean and bring the energies of the Runes and the gods/goddesses into the now. Bring their energies and power into the present. Do not go back and live in the past with them. Walk and talk with the gods/goddesses now.

Now you as a Rune Shaman, Wizard, Sorcerer can use your mind to bring the energies of the runes and god/goddessess of the North out of the Quantum Ocean and create new structures, new ritual for them. Modern day structures and rituals. (see my other webpages).

Mentally contact the viking helpers you need, both physical and non-physical to aid you. Use your mind to continue the battle for the freedom of our Ancestral Soul and our Culture. The fight needs to be taken to the mental plane. It is here where we can win.

We can do this together. We can revitalize the enrgies of the Runes and our Northern European Culture.Bringing the power of the past into the now.

Email me for my free Rune Power Newsletter.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:

Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How To Use Quantum Physics To Build Your Sacred Space Part 2

How to Use Quantum Physics
To Build Your Own Sacred Spaces
Part 2

No matter where you live in a small apartment, a house or a large farm, you can build a protected Sacred Space for your Spiritual meditation and workings.

To start define your personal place within this Sacred Space. Where will you be positioned to do your meditations and rituals?

I have may favorite leather recliner in my living room. That is where I sit when I do all my Rune work, my rituals and my meditations. I always sit there with pencil and paper because many of my writing ideas come to me at that time.

I am married, so I get up at 4 AM for my meditations and Rituals and leave my wife and dog asleep. You need to be alone free from all other mental energies other than your own.

This is what it is all about. Learning how to use the Laws of Mental Radionics. This is the Law that allows you to enter the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God and abstract the manifested energies that exist there and bring them into your own physical reality.

It is much like a painter dipping his brush into the various colors to apply them to his canvas. You will dip your mind into the infinite ocean of intelligent, living energy called the Quantum Ocean to paint on your Canvas of Life.

Once I am settled in my chair and relaxed, I use my creative imagination to visualize the boundaries of my domain. I visualize the front of the house (North) where the porch and drive way are. Then behind me the South, green grass and trees for 50 yards. East, is the rear of the house. Our parking lot and our flower and vegetable garden are there. West is the next door neighbor's house.

This is my Domain. You can use any form of protection you like at this time to surround your domain. I choose the Runes. I visualize four ten foot Thorn Runes for Protection. I mentally see them glowing at the N. S. E. and W. edges of my domain. Then I connect them with white energetic light going clockwise from North back to North.

It only takes a minute to do this. Every time I visualize this protective Thorn ring around my Domain. I am pulling energies out of the Quantum Ocean into this Protective Ring and re-enforcing it. My Master used to say it was like drawing an etching of the Thorn Runes on a piece of glass. Slowly by surely it will be permanently etched onto the glass.

Be in no hurry, but do be persistent. Every day, day after day. Life is lived one day at a time. And repetition is heaven's first law.

Once you have your sacred place built and protected you can start to invite your inner circle into it.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:

Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How To Use Quantum Physics To Build Your Sacred Space

How to Use Quantum Physics

To Build Your Own Sacred Place

Part 1

The mythologies, history, folktales of all nations have spoken about Sacred Spaces and the beings that live there.

We as a people and a race have lost our Spirituality. We have traded it for 'Civilization." We have ignored the Gods/Goddess's of our Ancestors. We have denied the existence of other types of beings besides ourselves, humans.

Not only have we stopped worshiping or even vising the Sacred Places of our Ancestors, but we have done a thorough job of destroying them. We have filled in those Sacred Spaces with concrete and blacktop. We have cut down the Sacred trees and polluted the Sacred Waters.

We have chased all the little spirit creatures both physical and non-physical away from us.

We must get our Spirituality back. We must do it one individual, one family, one neighborhood, and one small town at a time.

The Native Americans who roamed the Country from ocean to ocean had many sacred places, power places.

The evil men in our Government and in the Bureau of Indian Affairs knew what I am talking about, about the connection between an indigenous people and their Sacred Places. The unconscious Soldiers, who had lost their Spirituality blindly followed the orders of their Superiors.

Even Stonehenge and the Sacred Circle of Stones all over Europe are being desecrated by visitors with cameras and scientists with measuring devices.

The Spiritual energies of the Planet and the Spiritual Beings who inhabited these places are almost gone. That is why Darkness is descending upon us more and more.

Read Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings," Trilogy to get a better understanding of what is happening. But just as Tolkien ended his story in a victory of Light over Darkness, we can do it also. One home, one yard and one farm at a time.

We can start by making our own yard, garden or farm a Sacred Space. We can treat it like a Sacred Space. We can visualize the Spiritual beings coming back and making our personal Sacred Space their home.

It is time for each of us to become more Spiritual and less materialistic. It is time for each of us to become more cooperative and less competitive.

The net which is a great gift of the Age of Aquarius is full of information about Sacred Places and the beings who inhabit them.

Go to the net and find "Findhorn." You will see how the people in a small community worked together with nature spirits to produce huge vegetables, flowers and fruit.

We are not alone. We are not in the outer physical world we call our Galaxy nor in our inner physical world we call our mind.

The Universe both inner and outer is teeming with life. Let us contact or create Spiritual Beings who will inhabit our Sacred Space and protect us and help us.

Yes, I said create. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy, called the Quantum Ocean. It is the Mind of God. There is not time nor space there. There is only the HERE-NOW. We live, move and have our being within this Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. It responds to our thoughts.

We can better our present reality or create a new one with our thoughts.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

By thinking about the beings in the Quantum Ocean and your Sacred Space you can attract them.

There are Norse Vaettir, Wights, Alfar (Elves), Dverger (Dwarves), Jotnar (Giants) and the Gods and Goddess's, the Aesir and Vanir.

There are Angels and Archangels, Undines, Slyphs, Salamanders, Wee people, Gnomes, Fairies, Fey etc.

Go to the net and research the spiritual beings. Select the ones you like and attract them into your Sacred Space.

In Part 2 of this article I will set out detailed instructions on how to set up a simple Sacred Space of your own.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:

Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Runes + Vril Energy = Balder's Rising


Very inter string subject. The Age of Aquarius has given is the Laws of Quantum Physics ad our new working paradigm.

These laws tell us that everything that ever was or will be exists in an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum ocean.

The laws of Quantum Physics also give us the power and the ability to reach into the quantum ocean and pull out our gods/goddesses and the runes. We can dust them off and present them to the world in a new way.

Robert Blumentti, a rune master for 30 years, has done just that. He has combined the ancient power of Vril (life Force) with the runes.

You can check out hos website by clicking on the link below.

The gods/goddesses as well as the runes dwell within us. So does their power. We have the ability to tap into that power. This power is the Life-Force of the gods/goddesses. We can use it.

The Life Force of the Gods is known as VRIL.

According to Bob Blumentti Balder is Rising. The time for the return of the Norse Gods/goddesses as well as the runes is at hand.

The dawning of the new age which coincides with the Age of Aquarius is called “The Age of Gimli” bu bob.

There is a strong reversal in the interest of the faith and religion of our ancestors, It is growing. More and more we see that the myths and the folk customs of our ancestors contain living truths that we can live by in this age.

There is a force deep within the Ancestral Soul of the Northern European people calling back the Norse Germanic Gods/goddesses and the runes.

For years Bob Blumentti has sought the answers to his questions through ceremonial and individual meditation on the runes and the gods.

He has a new understanding of the old myths, the runes and the gods/goddesses. He presents it to use in a modern understanding.

The runes are powers. Vril is an ancient power. Time to combine them both.

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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:

Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Varangian Guard Viking Mercenaries

Rune Varangian

The Varangian Guard was an elite force of Viking warriors who

served the Eastern Roman Empire.

Where did all the Russian Runic Inscriptions come from? From the

early 9th century Vikings traveled from Scandinavia down the

rivers into Russia.

They raided and traded as far south as the Black Sea, and as far

east as Baghdad on the Caspian Sea. Where ever they went the runes

went. You can find rune stones, rune grave markers, rune trade

agreements and even runic graffiti. Viking sailors were no

different from modern day sailors who carved their names where

ever they could.

They founded settlements in Russia. Kiev, Novgorod and Ladoga

were a few.

The Vikings were known as the 'RUS' and gave their name to Russia.

They ruled over the large Slavic population who lived there.

The name Varangian means "sharer of oaths'.

The reign of the Varangian Guard, as a separate fighting unit, is

dated 988 CE when Tsar Vladimer (a Viking himself) of Kiev sent

6000 Swedish warriors to Basil II of Byzantine.

They helped him put down a rebellion. Basil then made great use

of his Viking guardsmen in his campaign in Syria, Asia Minor and

Bulgaria till his death is 1025.

Where ever the Vikings went they not only took the runes but they

took their shields with the three red TYR runes

combined into a bind rune, flashing outwards, into battle.

The Vikings were much taller than anyone else in these regions.

They were ferocious and exceptionally loyal, in a land of liars

and turn coats.

They were known by the Byzantines as the PELELEPHORDI - "Axe-Men"

They carried large two handed axes into battle and caused many

enemy formations to break and flee just at the sight of their

Viking charge.

The Varangian Guard was an elite group and membership was not

automatic to any Scandinavian warrior.

There was one notable exception as far as size went. When Thormoth Indrithason wanted to join the Guard, the emperor thought he was too small and said he would not be able to do a man's job. He changed his mind when he saw Thormoth slaughter an enormous bull, cutting its head off with a single stroke of his rune painted battle axe.

In 1034 the nineteen year old Harold Sigurdssen (Hardrada) of Norway, joined the Varangian Guard. He brought 500 Viking warriors with him.

He campaigned in Italy and Sicily and helped destroy the Arab pirate fleet, which preyed on Byzantine shipping.

The Varangians were stationed at various places in Constantinople.

During the Fourth Crusade of 1204 a huge force of Franks and Venetians attacked and sacked Constantinople. The Rune Shields of the Varangian Guard were in the forefront of the city's defenses and repelled several attacks.

The fall of the city and the loss of so many of the Viking Guard, due to overwhelming odds, effectively ended the reign of the Varangian Guard.

You can find a rune name "HALFDAN" scratched in the South Gallery of the cathedral of Hagia Sofia. So much for Viking subservience to other religions.



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Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50's thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

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